What is Rooted?
Rooted isn’t simply a bible study or a book. It is a 10-week discipleship program and a catalyst for life-change. It is a community experience, where people practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known.

Who is Rooted for?
Rooted is for anyone and everyone, whether a seasoned believer or brand new believer. This class will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord no matter where you are at in your walk.

When is Rooted?
Our next Rooted groups kick off Wednesday, January 5th at 6:30 pm, followed by every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm for 10 weeks finishing Wednesday, March 9th.